This month’s Women Installers Together (WIT) event, held on 6th July, has been described by organisers as “the best so far”.
“The fantastic positive atmosphere more than filled the room and everyone said what a great event it was,” said organiser from Stopcocks Women Plumbers, Mica May.
“The day was great, despite having only chatted to a few of the attendees I got the feeling that they all enjoyed it,” added event partner Monument Tools.
WIT featured speakers including Hattie Hasan MBE as MC and ex fighter pilot Mandy Hickson as inspiration.
Tradeswomen travelled from as far as Scotland and South Cornwall to the venue in Holloway, London and met with others, employed, self-employed and trainees.
Issues identified by the tradeswomen as significant in the round table discussions, were equality, pay inequality, cost of training, ‘banter’, lack of fit for purpose women’s workwear, and lack of suitable provision for women onsite such as toilets and sani-bins.
“This was our first full event since lockdown and to be in a room together, and feel the energy in the room, it was just great. We set ourselves very high goals with these events and this time we really feel we’ve achieved them. We can build on this momentum now, thanks to the fantastic support of our sponsors and allies,” said Hattie, Stopcocks Women Plumbers, Women Installers Together and Register of Tradeswomen CIC founder.