Liberty has retained the servicing contract for communal gas and biomass heating systems with Salford-based landlord ForHousing, which owns and manages more than 24,000 homes across the North-West.
The contract was secured through a mini competition on the Fusion21 Heating and Renewables 2020-24 Framework.
With a value of £450,000, the one-year contract covers a portfolio of nearly 2,000 properties. The contract includes the possibility of a one-year extension.
Liberty has also recently been awarded a position on the Procurement for Housing (PfH) Heating Solutions Framework as well as Procurement Assists’ Heating and Gas Servicing Framework.
Ray Jones, group managing director at Liberty, said: “Retaining the heating systems contract with ForHousing is a testament to our combined commitment to ensuring effective, quality, and deliverable services that have customer service at their core.
“It’s also great news to have secured places on the Procurement for Housing Framework and the Procurement Assist framework. These Frameworks cover many parts of the UK, allowing us to extend our reach to a broader customer base.”
Nigel Sedman, executive director of homes at ForHousing, added: “We are committed to providing well-maintained, sustainable homes for our tenants and their safety is our number one priority.
“Everything we do aims to positively impact the lives of our social housing tenants. From listening to tenant feedback and learning from it, we continually work to improve our services.
“Working collaboratively with Liberty means we can deliver on being 100% gas compliant and ensure we deliver excellent performance in maintaining the heating of our tenants’ homes.”
Keith Armstrong, chief executive of Procurement Assist, added: “We are delighted to be working with Liberty, a contractor well established in the marketplace, on our Gas Servicing and Repairs Framework Agreement.
“Having undergone a full PCR procurement process, we are looking forward to a long-term relationship with Liberty. With a direct award option when using the Framework Agreement, our clients and potential clients can be assured that our low cost-to-use solution can help them in delivering their cost avoidance targets.”