FMB: Housing targets are much needed

housing proposals
Brian Berry, chief executive of the Federation of Master Builders

Brian Berry, chief executive of the Federation of Master Builders (FMB), has released a statement focused on the return of national housing targets.

He said it is welcome and very much needed to deliver the 1.5m new homes that the government wants to build over the next five years.

Brian said: “The UK’s planning system has long been in desperate need of reform. Today’s announcement is a statement of intent which will be welcomed by small house builders. The return of national housing targets is good news as is the requirement for councils to demonstrate a five-year land supply for new housing.”

“There are fundamental issues with the UK housing system that need tackling to hit the government’s ambitious targets. We are far too reliant on too few developers to build homes, with smaller developers pushed to one side, damaging competition, and consumer choice.

“The 50% affordable target on brownfield sites is a concern as many small developers can’t get housing associations to buy their section 106 social homes, meaning homes are going unbuilt. Without reform of the social housing system, this will hold back delivery. But behind all of this is a lack of builders to deliver these homes, without a serious plan to boost the vocational skills system in this country, we’ll be unable to deliver 1.5m homes.”

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