Cistermiser continues Affiliate Membership with Waterwise

Cistermiser Waterwise

Cistermiser has announced the continuation of its Affiliate Membership with Waterwise.

Waterwise is a not-for-profit organisation focused on reducing water consumption across the UK.

Richard Braid, managing director of Cistermiser, said: “Water is one of the planet’s most precious resources, and Cistermiser has been on a mission to protect it for more than 40 years. Our continued partnership with Waterwise highlights our dedication to saving water and enhancing sustainability within the construction and specification industry. We are proud to work alongside Waterwise to help spread the message about the importance of water efficiency and to contribute towards a sustainable future.”

According to a company statement, Cistermiser has delivered a range of solutions designed to reduce water consumption in commercial and public buildings. Water usage in commercial environments, including schools, hospitals, offices and leisure facilities, can be substantial, it noted. A significant portion of this usage comes from inefficient systems or undetected leaks, the statement added.

Cistermiser said its technology addresses these issues by providing automated, demand-driven solutions that prevent unnecessary water use, while ensuring optimum performance of water systems.

Nathan Richardson, head of policy and strategy at Waterwise, added: “The UK Water Efficiency Strategy to 2030 highlights the importance of tackling those hidden water leaks that see millions of litres of water go to waste – something Cistermiser’s products help to resolve. Our continued partnership with Cistermiser will help both organisations to promote water conservation best practices and support national efforts to reduce water consumption.”

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