Cistermiser: Why urinal controls are an essential washroom addition

Cistermiser urinal control
Cistermiser Direct Flush

Cistermiser stated that correct urinal control is one of the most effective ways to improve water efficiency.

According to Thames Water’s latest smart meter data, over 23% of the total water delivered to non-household sites is classified as “continuous flow” an indication of potential leaks, uncontrolled use and sheer inefficiency.

A statement said that government targets are mandating a 20% reduction in water consumption by 2038 under the Environmental Targets (Water) (England) Regulations 2022.

Thames Water’s analysis found that more than one in eight business properties never stop flowing, meaning water is being used continuously, 24 hours a day. In 2023/24, its Smarter Business Visits identified uncontrolled urinals as one of the most significant sources of water wastage, alongside leaking toilets.

Data collected from 1,761 business visits showed that, on average, each site saved 965 litres per day from fixing uncontrolled urinals, and 3,735 litres were saved from fixing leaking toilets

With smart meters now installed in over 55,000 business properties, and every meterable business property expected to be covered by 2030, Cistermiser said that urinal control must be a priority for commercial buildings seeking to cut costs and reduce waste.

Richard Braid, managing director at Cistermiser, said: “Water wastage in commercial washrooms is an issue that’s too big to ignore. Uncontrolled urinal flushing is a prime example of unnecessary waste that businesses can tackle today with simple, proven solutions. The data from Thames Water highlights the sheer scale of water being lost. By implementing effective urinal controls, businesses can not only cut their environmental impact but also make significant financial savings.”

Cistermiser added that uncontrolled urinals can flush as often as once every three to five minutes, amounting to hundreds of litres per urinal, per day. By implementing effective urinal control, it added that businesses could save tens of thousands of litres per year per washroom.

For businesses looking to take action, Cistermiser said it offers solutions to prevent unnecessary urinal flushing:

  • Direct Flush: A smart infrared sensor that only flushes when the urinal is used, eliminating unnecessary water consumption and ensuring hygiene.
  • Infrared Urinal Control (IRC): A ceiling or wall-mounted sensor that detects room occupancy, allowing urinals to flush only after use.

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