Aico, suppliers of domestic fire and carbon monoxide (CO) protection products, has made charitable donations of over £53,000 in 2014. Seventy charities have benefitted from the donations, with just over 50% going to local charities in the Shropshire area, including Oswestry, where Aico’s premises are located. Aico employees nominated the charities.
Rosalyn Morris, finance and operations director at Aico, said:
“Without professional, dedicated staff, we wouldn’t be able to provide this level of service. We genuinely value all of our employees, many of whom live locally. We try to give something back to our immediate community every year, as well as to national charities that our staff identify as important to them. Giving something back to the charities that matter to everyone at Aico is really important to us and something we are very proud of.”