The classic bacon sandwich is the breakfast of choice for our nation’s tradespeople, with new research suggesting it is their favourite secret indulgence.
A survey of 2,014 workers by leading ironmongery supplier, IronmongeryDirect, found that 72% of tradespeople agree the hearty sandwich is their workplace snack of choice. Yet, a third (30%) admit to enjoying the treat in secret and two fifths (41%) would fib to their partner about their snack and meal choices while at work.
However, given the physical demands of their job, tradespeople are being urged to embrace their snacking habits and not be ashamed of what they’re really enjoying for breakfast.
To show that tradespeople really do earn their bacon, IronmongeryDirect is calling on the sector’s breakfast knowledge to help find Britain’s best bacon butty.
Participants are being asked to nominate the butty establishment that serves the country’s best bacon sandwich – whether that’s a café, restaurant, hotel or roadside van.
Throughout the four-week hunt, all nominated locations will make it on to a dedicated bacon butty map, which will highlight where in the UK tradespeople can get their hands on the best bacon sandwiches. So, wherever they are on a job, they can make sure they start their day off in the right way.
Nominations can be made on the IronmongeryDirect website, Facebook page, at: www.facebook.com/IronmongeryDirect, or on Twitter using the hashtag: #BritainsBestButty.
Every person who enters a nomination will then be placed into a prize draw where they could win one of five £100 Amazon vouchers.
Wayne Lysaght-Mason, managing director at IronmongeryDirect, said: “We all know that a tradesperson’s job can be physically demanding, so it’s important to kick-start the day with a hearty breakfast. With bacon sandwiches being a classic breakfast choice for those on the go, we’re on the hunt for those breakfast heroes who provide the perfect sandwich to keep our nation of workers powering on throughout the day.”
To follow the hunt for Britain’s best bacon butty, visit: http://www.ironmongerydirect.co.uk/research/britains-best-bacon-butty/.