HVAC 2015 attracts industry leaders

Big names sign up to showcase products at NEC from October 6-8.

Glow-worm announces installer event

Dates released for manufacturer tour

Wirquin announces plumber breakfast morning and BBQ

Dates revealed for events

Baxi hits the road to explain ErP Directive

New roadshow aims to educate installers

Construction small businesses encouraged to attend asbestos awareness safety event

June dates revealed for Health and Safety Executive workshops

Future Thinkers invited to series three of CPD seminars

Summer dates for workshops announced

Renewable Energy Skills Forum holds inaugural meeting

New national forum established

OFTEC takes to the road this summer

Seminar programme brings latest industry news to technicians

Get the ON-SITE insight

Plumb and Parts Center roadshow to visit 37 branches

Free installer events to support green growth

SustainaBuild offer three events