Arctic Hayes encourages better mental health at work

Arctic Hayes

Arctic Hayes announced that it is hosting a series of activities focused on promoting the well-being of its employees during May and Mental Health Week.

Arctic Hayes conducted a comprehensive survey among its employees. The company said that the insights gathered are driving its tailored support efforts, including the introduction of 12 Guides on various mental health topics, with information taken from the NHS and mental health charity MIND.

Lee Parsons, CEO, said: “The importance of mental health is particularly significant at Arctic Hayes, where a tight-knit workforce thrives on mutual support and collective well-being.

“We see our employees as our most valuable asset. By supporting their mental health, we are investing in the foundation of our company’s future. With Mental Health Week in May, we are proud to set an example for how companies can actively contribute to the well-being of their staff, with positive repercussions that extend beyond the workplace into the broader community.”

According to a company statement, with the known benefits walking and exercise can bring to someone’s mental wellbeing, Arctic Hayes is adding a physical dimension to its mental health initiatives, encouraging its employees to participate in a walking/running challenge. Teams of four are encouraged to walk or run during the week, with a challenge to walk a total of 137 miles throughout May, symbolising the distance between the company’s main locations in Oldham and Peterborough

The company is also providing a Life Skills board for employees to exchange tips and guidance, helping each other navigate life’s ups and downs. Arctic Hayes stated that it will provide in-office benefit during Mental Health Week, a professional masseuse will be available to offer relaxing shoulder massages to all employees.

As the month progresses, the impact of these initiatives will be closely monitored, it cited, with the aim to integrate successful strategies into the company’s regular wellness programs.

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