BEAMA reacts to The Climate Change Committee’s annual report

Yselkla Farmer, CEO of BEAMA, has responded to The Climate Change Committee (CCC)’s annual report.

Yselkla said: “The Climate Change Committee is strongly reinforcing a message that has been clear from UK’s Net Zero supply chain for many years – without decisive action and policy certainty, the country will not only fail to deliver on our decarbonisation commitments, but we will lose the global race for investment, skills and materials.

“The government has a clear mandate to accelerate electrification and pursue green economic growth. The Committee’s report calls for a significant increase in heat pumps, removing policy barriers for consumers wanting to make a Net Zero choice and a greater focus on the supply chain.

“BEAMA members are ready to invest and grow the market for the clean technologies of the future that will decarbonise our homes, businesses and transport. Scaling up this supply chain for heat pumps and EV charging infrastructure will take time, so the sooner the UK government re-commits to clear targets, the more affordable and achievable they will be.”

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