The British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI) has called on installation businesses to support apprenticeship programmes through its new support programme.
A newly released ‘KBB Fitted Interiors Apprenticeship programme’ has set out to provide opportunities and address worker shortages and longer-term skills gap challenges.
With demand for installation higher than ever, the new BiKBBI support package offers installation businesses a fast track to the workers they need for their businesses.
According to a statement, the apprenticeship package also addressed employment administration, including contracts and paperwork, health and safety checks, and running payroll for the apprentice.
BIKBBI’s package meant apprentices can be taken on and have all wages and other costs covered for as little as £210 per week, it added.
Damian Walters, chief executive of BiKBBI, said: “This is a real game changer for our industry and it’s going to make a real difference for hundreds of installation businesses. In the last couple of years we’ve had over 700 of our members get in touch to express an interest in taking on an apprentice, but until now many have found it difficult to deal with the cost and bureaucracy of doing so. That’s why we’ve worked so hard to put this package of support together. It means that for the first time, installers of all sizes can afford to take on an apprentice and grow their businesses, without the complication sometimes associated with apprenticeships.”
Installation businesses who would like to take up the offer of a BIKBBI backed apprentice can register at https://www.bikbbi.org.uk/apprenticeships/