Tom Smelt, of BREng, is nearing the end of his apprenticeship with the company, and reflected on the experience and the opportunities it has opened up. National Apprenticeship Week is taking place across the UK this week (10-16 February)
My apprenticeship with BREng has benefited my career in many ways. Being able to learn the theoretical side alongside workplace experience helps bring the theory to life, so you can understand how it’s applied in the real world. This gives you a head-start compared with straight academic-based learning. There’s no doubt it can help accelerate your progress, both personally and professionally. So, from both perspectives it has been a really positive experience.
The classroom side of training can be challenging at times. Speaking to colleagues, I think this may be common to many apprentices following careers in our industry. However, I have found it very valuable working with mentors, who are experienced and have been through the process. It’s great to be able to ask questions, and sometimes get things wrong and learn from your mistakes. The golden rule is – never be afraid to ask. It’s also helpful to expose yourself to the wider industry, and the issues facing the sector. It gives a broader view and helps you get a firm foothold to understand what’s happening.
I feel well supported on my journey as an apprentice. Work colleagues are always happy to help and offer guidance, both in my company and in the firms we work with on projects. Knowing who to go to on a particular topic, and that they are willing to help, gives you confidence that you can find the answer you need to solve a problem. Everyone I have been in contact with during the journey has been extremely supportive.
I would highly recommend an apprenticeship. It’s a fantastic gateway into the industry, allowing you to learn the basics on the academic side, while having guidance and advice at work from those with lots of experience. For me, it has been a very positive experience.