Custom Heat calls for apprentices to fill skills gap

Custom Heat apprentices skills gap
Lincoln Smith, managing director of Custom Heat

Custom Heat, a plumbing, heating and electrical company operating across the Midlands and Cornwall, said it is doing all it can to encourage people to take up apprenticeships to help fill the skills gap in the trades.

Lincoln Smith, managing director of Custom Heat, said the firm is doing everything it can to encourage more people into roles like plumbing, heating engineering and electrics as demand rockets, but stressed that more can still be done.

His comments come after new figures from the Fix Radio National Construction Audit were released. The figures show that 226,000 are currently waiting for an electrician, 301,000  for a plumber, 415,000 for a builder and 294,000 for a roofer across the UK.

Lincoln said: “These figures lay bare the skills crisis gripping the trades. This isn’t a new problem but clearly more must be done urgently to make sure school and college leavers can get through the doors to training like we provide.

“We’re doing everything we can to encourage people to see trades as an excellent career path offering skilled, well-paid jobs for life. We’re actively supporting people into sought-after apprenticeships right here at Custom Heat.”

Last year the UK Trade Skills Index 2023 report projected demand for plumbers and heating engineers will soar as vacancies reach an all-time high across the sector. It warned that 70,000 new plumbers alone will be needed by 2032.

The report also highlighted that the UK needs a million new trade recruits over the next decade to keep pace with demand, with nearly a quarter of a million of those requiring apprenticeship training to plug the growing skills gap.

Lincoln added: “It’s incredibly worrying to see such rampant demand for skilled plumbers, heating engineers and other tradespeople while the number of qualified candidates continues to fall drastically short of requirements.

“At Custom Heat, we’re doing our bit by offering around 10 apprenticeship places a year. We’re determined to help bridge the skills gap by providing fantastic opportunities for young people to start great careers in the trades.

“Through dedicated apprenticeship schemes, we can empower the next generation to fill these business-critical roles and ensure the heating, plumbing and electrical sectors have a bright future.”

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