The Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC) is calling for the industry to pull together to debate the pros and cons of introducing a single mandatory License to operate a plumbing and heating business, as well as celebrating the important role that plumbing and heating contractors play in keeping people healthy and safe.
CEO of APHC, John Thompson, said: “Having a License to practice is currently a hot topic, which requires industry consultation, debate and scrutiny as there are widely differing opinions on the subject.
“In our key role of supporting businesses and employers across the industry, we want to discuss the rights and wrongs of such a scheme, how it could fit within the current framework of legislation and existing competence schemes, how it could be enforced, funded and promoted, what could the membership criteria look like, how would competence be measured, how could it work for new entrants, existing installers and those installers with many years’ worth of experience but who don’t hold an official qualification.
“From here we can establish a consensus viewpoint from businesses and employers to take forward as part of further dialogue.”
Industry suppliers and manufacturers can get involved.
“As a way of recognising the important work undertaken by the thousands of professionals within our industry, suppliers and manufacturers can pledge their support through social media, plus they can run their own initiatives, competitions and campaigns around Quality Plumber Week”, added John.
APHC would also like to see plumbing and heating contractors post photographs of their work on social media using the hashtag #QPW18.
“We’ll be giving away spot prizes for photos of work posted on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn and Polypipe is running its own competition, plus Fernox, Ideal Standard, SNIPEF, Spirotech, WaterSafe and Worcester Bosch have confirmed that they are supporting the week,” concluded John.
“Get involved and let’s shout about the important role that the plumbing and heating industry plays in our everyday lives.”
Further details are available at: www.QualityPlumberWeek.co.uk.