Polypipe Building Services has saved dozens of people in West Yorkshire from being moved into temporary accommodation following a major social housing refurbishment.
The firm enabled residents at Carr House, in Wakefield, to remain in their homes by recommending its fabrication and live stack replacement service.
Polypipe was approached by housing association Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) to manufacture the solution to replace the 11-storey building’s “aged and blocked” cast iron internal soil stacks.
WDH agreed to Polypipe Building Service’s live stack replacement solution to use 22 stacks of Terrain FUZE, manufactured offsite, as it would be easy-to-install and allowed the residents to remain.
The installation took 10 days to complete.
Mark Wilkinson, business development manager at Polypipe Building Services, said: “The residents were thrilled to be able to remain at home during the work. Nobody wants to be forced to relocate, which would have been a certainty without our live stack replacement solution.
“We provided end-to-end support and advice, continually collaborating with the customer, to ensure they not only saved thousands in temporary relocation costs, but we delivered the most suitable solution for the job.”