Elco Heating Solutions, has launched a new CIBSE-approved CPD: “The use of heat pumps in hybrid systems”.
Following on from the company’s introduction to heat pump technology, the new module focuses on the use of heat pumps in hybrid systems, further expanding Elco’s learning programme.
According to a statement, the new CPD explores the concept of hybrid (or bivalent) systems and their suitability for use in existing applications such as schools and hospitals, as well as public and historic buildings. The module outlines how COPs can vary depending on operating conditions, and delivers an overview of variables including seasonal performance factor (SPF) and standardised temperature data (SCOP).
In addition, the new CPD offers detailed explanations of principal operating modes and control strategies – including Switch Mode and Partially Parallel Mode. There is also essential advice on the design principles of hybrid systems, including identifying the bivalent points and sizing radiators accordingly when reducing overall flow temperatures.
Silviu Catana, specification manager at Elco, said: “As the UK electricity grid continues to decarbonise, sustainable products such as heat pumps are going to become more prominent in commercial projects. As renewable electricity gradually replaces that generated by fossil fuels, we need to raise awareness of the many sustainable benefits of heat pumps – and provide our customers with the essential knowledge required to implement hybrid systems in existing buildings.”