MoneySuperMarket has found that upgrading the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) of a property from an average D to a high-end A can have “massive financial benefits”.
The research explores different locations in the UK and how changes to the EPC affect the price of local properties.
An EPC incorporates the type and layout of the building, any heating, cooling, ventilation and hot water systems used, and the lighting. Results showed that an increase from the lowest rating, G, to as little as F can have a six per cent price increase on average, while raising it to an A or B can give a 14% boost to the potential sale price.
The differences in price vary across the UK, meaning that although properties in the North East could see benefits of up to 38% by increasing their EPC from a G rating to an A or B, those in the South East will see none at all.
Cities that could benefit the most included Lichfield, York, Bristol, Worcester and Exeter.
Stephen Murray, energy expert at MoneySuperMarket, said: “Improving your energy rating can significantly increase your sale price for a relatively low cost. But it’s also valuable for other homeowners who aren’t planning to sell their properties, as a higher energy rating means greater home efficiency and reduced energy bills.”