Half of UK construction workers at risk with poor mental health

Half of all UK construction workers, or 1.5m people, have worked in a dangerous environment while suffering poor mental health and close to 700,000 suffered injuries, according to new research from business insurer QBE.

QBE surveyed 362 UK construction workers about their mental health at work. The results indicate that even with the increased risk of injury, they are likely to continue to work.

Three quarters of UK construction workers with poor mental health said at some point they continued to work in a dangerous situation despite the increased risk involved. In addition, 27% of construction workers have taken time off in the last 12 months due to poor mental health, with 46% taking at least one week off.

The research also showed that in the UK construction industry, more than 5.1m working days were lost to poor mental health last year, this compares to 18m working days for the whole UK economy. A statement said that the construction sector is one of the largest in the UK economy, employing 3.1m people or over 9% of the workforce.

According to government reports, stress, depression or anxiety account for 49% of all work-related ill health. And it is the biggest cause of lost workdays in the UK with work-related ill health accounting for 54% of working days lost.

Speaking at The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) conference in Manchester this week, QBE is encouraging employers to do more to support and protect their workers.

David Dexter, practice leader, risk solutions at QBE Europe, said: “Mental health issues are the biggest cause of lost workdays in the UK and a contributing factor in many workplace incidents.

“The UK construction industry is no exception; we are only too aware how mental health can be the hidden driver behind an incident or claim.

“We’ve just celebrated Construction Safety Week and are partway through Mental Health Awareness Week so worker safety should be front of mind for firms. Even a small positive change in an employer’s approach to wellbeing and mental health can substantially address and change workplace pressure points resulting in less stress and fewer accidents and incidents.

“Improving workplace culture by encouraging openness and demystifying stigmas when discussing mental health demonstrates to staff that their health and wellbeing should be a business priority.”

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