More than a third (36%) of households in Britain do not have carbon monoxide (CO) detectors installed despite the risks caused by standard household appliances such as gas stoves, gas boilers and ovens. New research from online electrical retailer, reichelt elektronik, shows Brits are unnecessarily putting themselves at risk.
Half (52%) of those without a detector say they are aware of what one is, but don’t feel a need for one at home, while nine per cent are unaware of what a CO detector is and why they would need one.
As an odourless, colourless gas, that can cause serious health issues and even fatalities in worst case scenario, the best way to detect a CO leak is with an alarm detection system.
In 2015, UK government regulations came into force stating that every rented property must have smoke and CO detectors installed. A CO alarm must be placed in any room that’s used as living accommodation and contains a solid fuel burning appliance. They should also be positioned at head height, a few metres away from the potential source.