A consultation carried out by a Coalition of Heating Industry bodies with particular interests in Low Carbon Heating Systems has revealed strong support for a new training route.
A Training Strategy published by the Heat Pump Association (HPA) alongside the consultation lays out how the heating industry needs to transform to enable the wider adoption of heat pumps throughout the UK building stock.
The strategy contains five clear steps for how a plumbing and heating engineer can be trained to meet the new challenges we face in trying to achieve the UK goal of a zero carbon future, reducing administration cost, and recommending to government that they support a training voucher scheme for the first 5,000 installers to go through the new course.
The consultation survey ran throughout June and asked 21 questions centred around the proposed content for heat pump training courses.
A total of 123 participants completed the survey, the HPA said, with the majority of respondents largely gas boiler or heat pump installers.
In total, 66% of respondents said they would be likely or very likely to attend the course, and the course content for the Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) specific course was well-rated by 96% of respondents.
Graham Wright, chairman of the HPA, said: “The results of this consultation are an encouraging indication that the installer base is in agreement that skills need to be at the required level in order to ensure traditional methods of heating are phased out and low carbon heating systems are embraced. We would like to thank everybody who took part in the consultation, it has been very useful to see the feedback on our proposed training strategy.
“While we have seen a commitment from government towards low carbon heat in order to meet our net-zero targets, it is up to us as an industry to communicate regularly and put the right training in place that will move our industry forward.”