The heating industry must ensure it is ready for the Energy Labelling Directive, introduced last week (January 1, 2018), Specflue has warned.
The Ecolabel energy rating system brought in with the Directive is exemplified by the multi-coloured A to G sticker seen on white goods such as fridges, freezers and washing machines.
As of January 1, 2018, wood burners must display the label to make appliance selection easier for consumers and to make clear the efficiency levels of solid fuel equipment.
Ian Sams, commercial director at Specflue, the flue, chimney and renewable heating supplier, said: “The legislation impacts manufacturers who need to ensure that their products are appropriately labelled, and installers who need a good understanding of the requirements to ensure commissioned installations comply with the rules.”
All newly manufactured solid fuel appliances sold by retailers and from suppliers will now require a copy of the energy label fixed to them, giving technical details and information on the appliance performance capabilities and energy rating.
The Energy Labelling Directive scheme identifies products and services with a reduced environmental impact with an A++ to G scale (A++ being the best).
Most modern wood burning stoves are expected to come in at the A and A+ level, and pellet-burning stoves achieving A++.
Electronic versions of the label and fiche are also available to dealers. The information shown on the energy label includes the supplier’s name or trade mark and model identifier, the energy efficiency class and the direct heat output of the appliance in kW.