JTL responds to Skills England Bill

Chris Claydon, chief executive at JTL

Chris Claydon, chief executive of JTL, has responded to the King’s Speech announcement on Skills England and boosting apprenticeships.

Chris said: “The legislative agenda set out in the King’s Speech yesterday goes some way to recognising the importance of skills training routes to economic growth.

“Technical skills are now business critical to achieving net zero and to delivering high quality infrastructure and housing. We cannot build safe, quality homes at pace without highly-skilled electricians and plumbers, and the building services industry is already experiencing these skills gaps. So more apprenticeships, with the necessary funding support, is more important than ever.

“While of course reforms take time, it is clear that there is great opportunity for our sector over the months and years ahead. JTL looks forward to working with the new government as it implements its ambitious agenda.”

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