Kensa Contracting is urging local authorities and housing associations in England to act now and bid for a portion of the £160m available in 2021/22 through the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF).
This includes funding for its low carbon ground source heat pumps.
Ieman Barmarki, director of low carbon partnerships at Kensa Contracting, said: “We are very pleased to see ground source heat pumps included as a measure in this funding scheme which will help local authorities replace fossil fuel heating systems and deliver warm, energy-efficient homes whilst reducing carbon emissions and fuel bills.
“It is critical that some of the most vulnerable in society can benefit from low cost and low carbon heating systems. There are currently 2.5m households across the UK in fuel poverty who are unable to afford adequate heating. This fund can make a significant impact on fuel poverty if ground source heat pumps are installed as part of the solution to place residents on a net zero pathway.”
There is an 8-week application window for the first wave of SHDF funding bids, beginning on 23rd August and ending on 15th October.
Kensa Contracting will be delivering free CPD sessions showcasing the benefits of ground source heat pumps in social housing with large-scale retrofit case studies and demonstrating how the technology is eligible under the scheme.