A Preston landlord has been given a suspended prison sentence after failing to ensure gas appliances in one of her properties was checked for safety.
Preston Magistrates Court heard that Preston City Council was concerned about the gas appliances in her property in Fulwood.
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) made contact with the landlord, Mrs Pritpall Kaur Singh, 44, to establish whether she was complying with her legal duties as a landlord to ensure annual gas safety checks were carried out.
Mrs Singh did not co-operate with HSE and failed to produce a Landlord Gas Safe Record to demonstrate that these checks had been undertaken correctly.
An Improvement Notice was issued to Mrs Singh by the HSE for non-provision of a gas safety record for the gas appliances in her property, but Mrs Singh did not comply with that notice.
Mrs Singh pleaded guilty to breaching section 33(1)(g) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act, 1974 and to one breach of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 (36 (3)) and was sentenced to a 26-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to pay £1,000 costs.
After the hearing, HSE inspector Anthony Banks, said: “If you rent property out, you must comply with requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, including the need to have a gas safety certificate. Gas appliances should be regularly checked, as faulty appliances can kill.”