Liquid Gas UK calls on support for rural decarbonisation

Liquid Gas UK
George Webb, chief executive of Liquid Gas UK

Liquid Gas UK has called on the government to “level the playing field” when it comes to supporting the decarbonisation of rural properties and to further encourage the roll-out of Renewable Liquid Gases (RLG).

George Webb, chief executive of Liquid Gas UK, said: “This budget presents the new government with a real opportunity to show it is serious about achieving both net-zero and economic growth.

“Industry stands ready to invest millions more in the UK and to support the decarbonisation of rural and hard-to-treat homes and businesses. But, in order to do so, we need government to level the playing field and show its commitment to this crucial sector.”

As part of its submission to the Chancellor, Liquid Gas UK has called for the greater parity between hybrid-heat pump systems and heat pumps by ensuring the inclusion of hybrid heat pumps in schemes such as the Boiler Upgrade Scheme, Clean Heat Market Mechanism and Homes Upgrade Grant.

As part of its inquiry into decarbonising home heating, the Public Accounts Committee found that progress to install 600,000 heat pumps per year by 2028 has not yet met the ambition of the target. Including hybrid-heat pumps within these schemes will help to create further market demand for such systems.

Liquid Gas UK have also called on government to list Renewable Liquid Gases as sustainable in the upcoming UK green taxonomy in order help to mobilise capital towards the green economy, encourage investment, provide new, green jobs and grow the economy. It stated that whilst the Renewable Liquid Gas industry will have invested over £600m in the development of RLGs by 2025, the UK risks missing out on further investment if it does not mirror similar policy moves already underway in Europe and North America

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