MCS redevelopment delay sparks reaction

MCS delay
Mark Krull, director for LCL Awards and Logic4training, and Griff Thomas, managing director for GTEC & heatly

Mark Krull, director for LCL Awards and Logic4training, and Griff Thomas, managing director for GTEC & heatly, have responded to the news of MCS’ redevelopment delay.

Since a consultation on a series of proposed changes to MCS last summer, the certifier has been working to bring forward now-delayed changes to make improvements.

The redeveloped scheme will now be launched in January.

“We had hoped to be ready this summer, however due to the unprecedented scale of the changes coupled with our commitment to ensure this is delivered to the highest quality – we won’t rush this. I really don’t want to disappoint you with the delay and I want to reaffirm the strength of our conviction in driving to change MCS for the better,” MCS CEO Ian Rippin said in an open letter.

Mark said: “It is disappointing to hear that the launch has been put back, but we recognise the importance of getting it right. It is critical for the industry to move to a more responsive and flexible low carbon competence scheme that recognises the differences in our industry and supports every player – from sole traders and SMEs to large organisations – to deliver good quality installations to customers. We hope that January 2025 is a firm delivery date and will welcome the changes when they come.”

Griff added: “I am confused as to why the MCS scheme redevelopment has been delayed, what is the hold-up, why is it taking so long? This is very disappointing for installers and the industry at large. One of the primary gripes and barriers of entry to the renewables market for installers, if the MCS wants to hold its position, it’s crucial that it is made fit for purpose, or a scheme that does suit the task at hand may come along in its place – I expect we may now see challenges from other parties.

“I would prefer MCS to use its powers to stamp down on rogue traders and do its job of making sure consumers can have confidence in the renewable installers they choose, while improving the reputations of reputable tradespeople. Fiddling while Rome burns springs to mind.”

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