House hunters ruled by heart over head, leading to surprise maintenance...

Over half of those polled would not look for a new boiler in a property

£224 million energy efficiency drive for Scottish homes

Scheme to tack fuel poverty

Exports weaken but manufacturers are optimistic for the year ahead

Construction Products Association releases latest state of trade survey

‘Government must make a long term commitment to a workable energy...

HHIC publish new low carbon heat report

SNP manifesto: ‘Fair payment law could help small and medium construction...

Federation of Master Builders welcomes policies

Williams & Co in management buy-out

A consortium of management and staff put the successful bid together

Saint Gobain anniversary woodland planted

The company is hoping that the new areas will create a habitat for small foraging mammal as well as birds and bats

MP Tracey Crouch visits Polypipe

New apprentices welcomed to the team

ADEY drives industry water testing standard

A new online service offers fast, comprehensive and reliable analysis of central heating system fluid

Conservatives take the lead as the construction industry votes no confidence

Opinion poll shows 71% feel industry has been ‘ignored’