Panasonic has announced the grand opening of its new UK premises, dedicated to the HVACR+ market.
The headquarters includes its largest UK training centre, kitted out with fully functioning units for hands-on experience.
Panasonic’s heating, cooling and refrigeration staff attended an opening ceremony on Friday 6th May, where Panasonic Enrique Vilamitjana, managing director of Panasonic Heating & Cooling Solutions Europe, officially declared the premises in Welwyn Garden City open.
Jose Manuel Alves, UK country manager for Panasonic, said: “We are thrilled with our new dedicated HVAC&R+ modern premises, intelligently designed to provide an advanced technological space for the needs of both our heating and cooling teams.
“In addition to providing our customers with full access to our technical resources, including the in-house spec team expertise and software, technical support, design software tools and smart cloud service solutions, we will be providing training courses and a valuable location for meetings.”
The team will continue to provide technical support and customer service to distributors, consultants, installers and end-users of Panasonic’s heating, cooling, refrigeration and ventilation products.
The new premises follows the recent announcement of the amalgamation of Panasonic and AMP and the formation of the new UK HVAC&R+ company, PHVAC (Panasonic Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning).