Stiebel Eltron MD welcomes Ireland’s heat pump VAT reduction

Stiebel Eltron UK and Pure Renewables
Mark McManus, Stiebel Eltron UK’s managing director

Mark McManus, managing director of Stiebel Eltron Ireland, has commented on the Ireland coalition government’s heat pump VAT reduction announcement.

Ireland’s coalition government has unveiled its budget for 2025, with a key theme being a reduction of VAT of 4.5% to 9% on heat pumps as it looks to drive forward sustainable initiatives.

Mark said: “Yesterday’s budget statement was a welcome move to help speed the decarbonisation of heat in Ireland. With heating and hot water accounting for around 80% of domestic energy use, it is essential that we use every incentive available to customers make the transition to heat pumps and away from burning fossil fuels.

“Heat pumps are a proven, highly efficient solution that use electricity to extract environmental energy for heating, hot water and cooling. When paired with sustainably- generated electricity (which is increasingly the case from mains supply and now also often generated by homeowners themselves) they are the perfect solution.

“We would encourage the government to consider any other incentives within their purview to make heat pumps more accessible and accelerate the change to protect our planet from climate change.

“We invite any customers considering a heat pump to contact us for a free consultation and specification service as part of which we are happy to help them find reputable, trained installers in their local area.”

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