Switch2 Energy achieves Silver Carbon Literate Organisation status

Switch2 Energy

Switch2 Energy has achieved Silver Carbon Literate Organisation status.

The company said that the accreditation highlights its dedication to tackling climate change, reducing carbon emissions and its commitment to working towards a zero-carbon future.

Carbon Literacy is defined as: “An awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts of everyday activities, and the ability and motivation to reduce emissions, on an individual, community and organisational basis.”

Switch2 Energy said it first engaged with Carbon Literacy through its commitment to sustainable business practices. The company developed a Carbon Literacy training course for internal use, resulting in staff receiving the training and becoming formally certified as Carbon Literate.

According to a company statement, a Carbon Literate Organisation (CLO) is an organisation that has been accredited by The Carbon Literacy Project as being “culturally Carbon Literate”, maintaining a substantial proportion of its workforce as Carbon Literate and demonstrating its Carbon Literacy through its organisational behaviour. The CLO accreditation is a tiered system with Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum levels.

To become accredited as a Silver Carbon Literate Organisation, Switch2 Energy said it trained 15% of staff from across 14 departments using Carbon Literacy training materials. Each trained individual pledged actions to reduce carbon across the organisation within the next two years, it noted.

Richard Harrison, CEO of Switch2 Energy, said: “Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do at Switch2 as we work towards a low carbon future. Becoming the first energy supplier to receive Silver Carbon Literacy status is a huge achievement, which recognises our team’s hard work and dedication.

“We believe that by empowering our staff with the knowledge and tools to reduce carbon emissions, we can make a meaningful impact on the environment as an organisation.”

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