Age: It was first presented in a research paper in 2015, so currently, just two years of age.
Appearance: A heating appliance with an additional unit that optimises the performance of the heating system.
Ooh I do love a bit of new kit, but what’s all the fuss about with this particular piece? Well, you might have heard a lot of talk over the past few years on how the government is looking into ways to drive down carbon emissions in the heating industry…
Yeah, we hear that kind of thing all of the time…the last update was on new boilers having to be ‘band A’ under the ErP rating system. Yes, that’s right, that was in fact one of the first routes chosen to help increase the efficiency of boilers and reduce emissions. There have since been introductions of a few more energy efficient options (which installers need to take note of) – all with the aim of supporting the government’s 2050 low carbon vision.
Right. You’ve got my attention… this sounds important You’ve got that right, it’s definitely important. After consulting with the industry, recommendations have been made to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy in the Heating and Hot Water Industry Council paper to introduce Boiler Plus as the next step in heating regulation.
Ok, a new heating regulation. What is it I need to know about Boiler Plus then? Boiler Plus will re-enforce the need for room thermostats and timers or programmers with all boiler replacements as mandated in Building Regulations. In other words, appropriate time, temperature and weather compensation heating controls will need to be installed at the time a new boiler is installed by law.
When will Boiler Plus come into effect? Not yet, but the smart installer will already be introducing energy efficiency measures in their quotes now…it will be here before you know it.
Will this come at an added cost to my customers though? Only in the short-term, but you are perfectly positioned to explain why. Installing controls will only support them in the long run – check out the Energy Saving Trust to help articulate exactly what savings can be made.
Do say: Boiler Plus installer equals successful installer.
Don’t say: Homeowners will never get it.