Net Zero and the contribution of plastic pipes

Caroline Ayres, of BPF Pipes Group, says plastic piping systems are the best environmental choice as the UK sets out to meet its 2050 Net Zero targets

ADEY takes training online

Water treatment manufacturer and magnetic filtration producer ADEY has launched free online training sessions for plumbing and heating installers.

Top tips on preventative maintenance during lockdown

Andy Green, technical director at Baxi Heating, has offered advice on how to protect the heating system through a building lockdown, avoiding the risk of legionella.

RWC continues to operate for essential work

With the steadily increasing incidence of the COVID-19 virus in the UK and beyond, RWC said this week it was “closely monitoring the situation and evaluating the impact it will have on our employees, customers, operations and supply chain”.

APHCI members preview Mira Elite SE

Members of the APHCI (Association of Plumbers and Heating Contractors Ireland) have been given an exclusive preview of Mira Showers’ Elite SE, which it said was the first dual outlet, silent pumped electric shower in Ireland.

Conex Bänninger hires new regional technical sales manager

Mark Burgess, who has more than 35 years sales experience in the heating industry, has joined fittings manufacturer Conex Bänninger as a regional technical sales manager.

GROHE adjusts production across Europe amid coronavirus crisis

GROHE has implemented action to protect employees across its manufacturing sites with the suspension of manufacturing at one of its plants in Portugal.

Appeal to builders merchants to provide vital PPE to the NHS

With intense supply chain pressures affecting the ability of healthcare professionals to source the equipment, the Builders Merchants Federation (BMF) has appealed to builders’ merchants across the UK to provide much-needed personal protective equipment for NHS staff.

Plumbing body warns of DIY dangers during social distancing

The Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors (APHC) is reminding homeowners that the government is allowing plumbing and heating contractors to carry out emergency plumbing and heating work.

Merchants forced to close as government announces lockdown

Following the government decision to lockdown the UK in a bid to battle the coronavirus outbreak, plumbing merchants have closed across the land.