Long established Scottish Solar manufacturer, AES Solar, has launched a service to custom build solar thermal panels from its Endurance range. Not only can the shape be altered to accommodate difficult roof areas, the frame can be any colour you like. This opens up all sorts of possibilities for architects, designers and specifiers.
Taking its standard sizes and designs, these can be altered to meet specific requirements and adjusted to maintain collector area and thus, output performance.
The service was recently used by Solar Kingdom in its shortlisted project for the prestigious Solar Power Portal Awards. Nominated for the Best Residential PV Project, AES Solar manufactured two custom built panels that fit snugly in to the roof hips. AES itself has just been jointly shortlisted for the Sustainable Scotland Award at the upcoming Scottish Green Energy Awards in December.
The capability and flexibility to produce products such as this is a reflection of the young and vibrant workforce at AES. With over 70% of the headquarters staff holding one or more degrees, or a professional qualification, it also has three modern apprentices plus a further staff member who has gained qualification through this route. In the last 12 months, the workforce has continued to grow, increasing by 50% despite the challenges the solar industry currently faces.
As well as its Endurance panels, AES also manufacture its Supremacy range of roof integrated solar thermal panels. These offer a sleek and discrete appearance on any roof blending easily with the surface.
Business owner and CEO, George Goudsmit, said: “The team loves a challenge that lifts it above the routine. It was their idea that led to the development of this value added service. Word has spread quickly of what is possible, and I am pleasantly surprised at the number of enquiries received. No one has yet asked for outrageous colours, but I suspect it is only time.”
George is a pioneer of solar, starting AES 37 years ago in 1979, to manufacture solar thermal panels. The company has grown and evolved to encompass all aspects of solar. He has been involved in landmark projects such as the first domestic Solar PV roof in the UK in 1995, and more recently, having work selected for a project on the Royal Estate at Balmoral. While being a small business, they have export customers in markets as diverse as Scandinavia, Africa and South America.
George is determined to keep providing opportunities to further develop his team to embrace the positive changes decarbonising the economy will bring. With the Scottish Government expected to introduce challenging targets as a result of the Paris Climate Agreement, AES are well placed to respond to this new landscape.