Manufactured by Metreg Technologies who offers a complete product range for fiscal and non-fiscal gas flow measurement for industrial and commercial applications.
The MRM rotary displacement gas flow meter is designed for fiscal metering of natural gas and is approved according to the European requirements of EN12480, MID (2004/22/EG) and OIML R137-1 & 2: 2012. The MRM rotary displacement gas meter is suitable to be installed in hazardous areas of Category 2 (Zone 1) II 2 G c IIC T4 X. The MRM rotary displacement gas meter is suitable for the following gases: Natural gas, town gas, propane, butane, ethylene, air, nitrogen, with further gases on request.
Rotary gas meters are characterised by their very compact design and high accuracy. The MRM rotary meter requires no inlet or outlet straight pipe lengths or flow conditioning and is insensitive to severe gas flow fluctuations (discontinuous operation). The rotary meters MRM are manufactured with large measurement ranges due to the precision machining of the parts and a very reproducible assembly process. The standard calibrated measurement range for the MRM is 1:50.