Mibec has announced the availability of its new Easy-pack kits, to complete its range of district heating products.
Mibec is an independent supplier of pre-insulated pipes, primarily offering Rehau Rauvitherm and Rauthermex products. It recognised its customer’s need for a quick and easy palletised pack for smaller projects and is pleased to launch its Easy-Pack product.
Offering pre-cut pipe coils in ten, 15, 20 or 25m lengths together with pipe couplings, dust-caps and fitting instructions, this pack allows easy installation of a pre-insulated pipe system for remote heat supply applications such as biomass heating or thermal storage systems as well as for AD or Biogas Systems.
The full range of Mibec own-brand or Rehau pre-insulated pipe systems offer systems with heat loss values, which are within Renewable Heat Incentive requirements.