Two additional sizes added to the Manhattan 8 Single Door Quadrant...

Enclosure range expanded by manufacturer.

Turkuaz and AET open new business office in UK

Supplier to expand.

‘Every Metre Counts’ competition winner announced

JG Speedfit selects winner.

Peace of mind

Conex Bänninger introduces a new range of industrial valves.

FLIR Systems launches TG165 Imaging IR Thermometer

Thermal imager and IR spot meter combined for rapid troubleshooting.

Evosta pump primes installers for 2015

DAB Pumps unveil new pump.

Triton launches new Elina TMV2 bar mixer

Manufacturer unveils new shower.

Guarantees you can trust

New guarantees you can trust, from Stuart Turner.

Simply better water

Aquatiere launch the Pureau range.

Horstmann installed at Bath brewery

Motorised central heating zone valve featured in unusual installation.