Fibo wall panels a huge success…

...and result in new sales for Plumb Plus Supplies.

New booster sets from armstrong fluid technology

Design Envelope 6800G Boosters offer outstanding energy efficient performance.

Water softeners and boilers happy to co-exist

BWT explores how water softeners and boilers can go together in harmony with free training.

Industry-first protection solution for HVAC systems

New DosaFil-Duo® is the only device to combine high performance filtration with air removal and safe liquid or solid chemical dosing capability.

Stuart Turner adds to portfolio…

…with range of pressurisation units.

Myson Floortec adds to underfloor heating solutions

New range of premium components launched

Mitsubishi Electric’s Ecodan system a money saver… provides cheaper heating bills for residents at Bowling Court.

Dunlop launches new RX range…

...ready-mixed adhesives has buckets of star quality.

New Clausius ground source heat pump…

...available through ESS.