Creating a VIVID imagination

Vogue (UK) launches VIVID towel warmer

From installer to designer

wedi provides solutions to wet environments

Vortice launches new website…

...geared towards the UK market

Engineered to excel

Stuart Turner launches new range of water conditioners

A-ok in the USA

Water-King gains performance certification

C&F Quadrant become supplier of Giacomini flow control products

New deal shows commitment to the Irish market

Springing into action

Essential Bathrooms introduces increased product range

Supporting the cause

BWT supports the HHIC’s updated guidance for luxury water softeners and boilers

Win a Renault Kangoo business van with Aqualisa

Installers need to register their purchase online for a chance to win

Nine-piece set aiming to become a (Ergo)Star

The ball end allows users to work at angles down to 25°