Smith’s EP UK’s expansion plans, under the Swan Group, continue apace with the launch of its latest new product in the Caspian range of fan convectors. The new Caspian LST (low surface temperature) fully complies with the NHS Estates Health Guidance Notes: “Safe hot water and surface temperatures” (formally known as DN4) and compliance has been independently verified by BSRIA.
Sales & marketing director, Jim Bennett commented: “We have developed the Caspian LST as a natural extension to our commercial range and because of ongoing demand from our customers. We are delighted that we have been able to produce a product that meets the legislation 100% of the time and provides complete peace of mind for those specifying the Caspian.”
The Caspian LST is now available for projects in NHS Estates properties and beyond. Any building registered under the Registered Homes Act 1984, including hospitals, clinics, surgeries and other health care premises require heat emitters whose maximum surface temperature must not exceed 43°C. This also extends to social services personal care properties, and may also apply to places such as sheltered accommodation; anywhere in fact where occupants may be at risk of burns to their skin if they came into prolonged (ten seconds or more) contact with a standard heat emitter, typically a radiator.
Like all Caspians, the Caspian LST is hydronic and plumbs into any wet central heating system in place in the building. Three models are available, Caspian LST 120, Caspian LST 90 and Caspian LST 60, with the largest model delivering heat outputs up to 5.7kW(19500Btu/h). Equipped with EC motors for optimum operational efficiency, there is also a range of additional controls and accessories to support any installation project that requires further technical components. These accessories and the Caspian LST are all available from good merchants everywhere and can be delivered to branch next day in many cases. All Smith’s Caspian Fan convectors come with a five-year parts and labour guarantee.
Smith’s has further exciting plans for its brand this year. For more information contact Smith’s on: 01245 324900; visit: www.SmithsEP.co.uk; follow: @SmithsEP_UK on Twitter, Like Smith’s Space Saver on Facebook or Smith’s EP on LinkedIn; or email via: sales@SmithsEP.co.uk.