Testo Smart Probes are compact Bluetooth measurement probes for heating, refrigeration and VAC engineers that are operated via a Smartphone or tablet.
Testo will be launching new versions of 3 instruments; the testo 115i clamp thermometer, testo 549i high pressure gauge and testo 605i thermo-hygrometer
- Now up to 100m Bluetooth range for new testo 115i, 549i, and 605i probe versions
- The testo 549i refrigerant pressure probe now has a 45° angled connector for better access to test points
- The testo 605i thermo-hygrometer now features a bendable probe and magnet for easier location on grill outlets
There are also four new kits in addition to updates to the existing Refrigeration, Heating and VAC Kits:
- Refrigeration ‘plus’ kit – allows AC engineers to measure and record heating/cooling load values
- Differential temperature/pressure kit – perfect for providing flow/return pipe temperatures and gas pressure testing
- Mould kit – allows building inspectors and surveyors to quickly assess surface moisture levels to detect mould risk areas
- Ultimate kit – for the engineer who wants to carry a full set of the entire smart probe range