Despite the change in the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council’s (HHIC)* guidance for the use of water softeners and boilers with the publication of their Consumer Guide ‘Protecting your boiler and heating system’ earlier this year, some installers are still not making the most from the opportunity for the two to co-exist.
Most people agree that limescale and today’s modern central heating boilers don’t mix; opinion has long been divided on the use of a water softener as an effective solution to protect it.
Mixed messages from boiler manufacturers and press alike have previously made it difficult to make an informed choice on whether the two can co-exist.
As a manufacturer of Luxury Water® softeners, BWT welcomes the change in the HHIC’s guidance and invite all installers to take part in one of our free training sessions to see the benefits that a BWT Softener can bring to any installation.
*HHIC is a member organisation committed to effectively driving, supporting and promoting the sustained growth of the UK domestic heating and hot water industry.