Introducing the HL-109: Advanced High-Limit and Frost Protection Thermostat from Whisper Controls

Whisper Controls

Whisper Controls is excited to announce the launch of the innovative HL-109 digital pipe thermostat, designed to ensure the safety and efficiency of heating systems.

Backed by a market-leading five-year warranty from the installation date, the HL-109 acts as a fail-safe mechanism to monitor and control the heating system’s temperature, preventing it from exceeding predetermined limits. If there is any anomaly or potential overheating, the HL-109 interrupts the power supply, safeguarding the heating system.

Jon Arntsen, Managing Director of Whisper Controls, said: “At Whisper Controls, we are passionate about delivering straightforward smart living for our customers. The HL-109 reflects that with its user-friendly design and versatility. Thanks to its pump exercise function, it can prevent underfloor heating circulating pumps from seizing during the off-season and particularly protects underfloor heating systems from heat sources that could cause over-temperature failures or high-temperature cycles. This makes it ideal for projects with delicate floor finishes or systems without temperature managing capability in the underfloor heating manifold.”

The HL-109 is the perfect solution for residential and commercial heating systems, offering peace of mind and enhanced protection. For more information, please contact the expert team at 01993 640073.

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