BOXT advises on best angle for positioning solar panels

BOXT has revealed the best angles for positioning solar panels in the UK, as well as why this is important to help anyone considering an installation.

Andy Kerr, founder at BOXT, said: “The UK has impressive solar energy generation capacity. Contrary to popular belief, solar panels don’t need Sahara-level heat to operate at full capacity and too much heat can actually reduce their efficiency. All they need is sunlight, indirect or direct.

“There are lots of benefits to having solar panels installed on your property. Not only will the clean energy source reduce your carbon footprint, but it could also reduce your electricity bills by as much as £91 a month. To make every ray of sunshine count, you must install your solar panels at precisely the right angle, however, this varies from roof to roof. We’ll walk you through the importance of positioning your panels as well as the best angle for solar panels in the UK.”

According to BOXT, tilting solar panels at the right angle enables them to capture more sunlight throughout the day and the year. The increased exposure allows the panels to convert more sunlight into electricity, it noted, resulting in higher energy production and greater savings on electricity bills.

The optimal angle for solar panels in the UK is facing south, at an angle between 20° and 50°. The best angle is worked out based on your location’s latitude, it said, which means the ideal positioning of your solar panels differs depending on where you are in the world and your roof type.

The angle of solar panels can help avoid the areas and impact of shade on property. The company explained that when panels are tilted, they’re less likely to be affected by shade from nearby objects, such as trees, buildings or chimneys. By minimising shadows, the panels absorb as much sunlight as possible.

Solar panels on a flat roof

BOXT stated that the optimum angle for solar panels on flat roofs is around 20 to 50°. This angle helps the panels balance, maximising solar energy production and allowing rain to flow off them easily. The angle considers the UK’s geographical location and attempts to capture direct sunlight all year round, accounting for the lower angle of the sun during winter months.

Solar panels on a pitched roof

The ideal angle for solar panels on pitched roofs ranges from 20 to 50°. This recommended solar panel orientation means you’re making the most of energy production during summer and winter, BOXT said. A professional solar installer can provide a more precise recommendation based on your property.

The best direction for solar panels in the UK

In the UK, the sun’s path mainly goes from the south-east to the south-west. South-facing solar panels capture sunlight when it’s most intense, it noted, meaning you’ll get the most out of your solar panel system.

If you have a fully north-facing roof, you might face some issues when it comes to solar output. BOXT explained that they’re generally not recommended in the UK, as they receive significantly less sunlight and lower energy production than south-facing installations.

To overcome this issue, it suggested that you can install your solar panels using a mounting system pitched against the slope of your roof.

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