Cistermiser is asking the question “What can you do to go one step greener?” when it comes to the installation of commercial buildings and washrooms, as it awaits greener outcomes from this year’s COP26.
Richard Braid, MD of Cistermiser, said this week: “In almost every commercial building in the country there is a washroom, whether gendered or gender-neutral, and they physically cannot function without water. It is the collective responsibility of everyone in the supply chain to ensure that there is an effective and efficient water management solution, and that that solution is put into place either when a building is specified, designed, constructed, or is retrofitted and refurbished. For example, one company can save thousands of litres of water simply by reconsidering what urinal control is fitted to into their commercial washrooms.
“Cistermiser has a long-standing commitment to water savings and that is a central design feature when it comes to our urinal controls. The Infrared Control Value IRC, is a motion-sensing infrared urinal flushing control valve that uses a PIR sensor to detect movement which in turn activates the solenoid valve, allowing water into the urinal cistern. By installing these urinal control valves, water consumption is reduced by over 80%.
“The other truly powerful solution Cistermiser can offer businesses and FM’s is our Sensazone Washroom Control Solution. Sensazone can be tailored to control the services needed in each washroom. The infrared P.I.R. sensors pick up body movement which then triggers the activation of water and electrical services, as well as the room’s in-built fan. This means that, when the room is not being used, there is no water wastage nor any power usage.
“The UK’s commitment to NetZero may be set at 2050, but the changes that will allow us to reach that, and to avoid the 1.5% rise in temperature must start now. Water management is part of that solution. Please consider how you can contribute to this averting of further crisis through changing how your business manages its water.”