From considering energy efficiency to valves and vessels, GROHE has offered some advice for installing hot water taps.
Your customer may be seeking convenience from a hot water tap but they will also be concerned about cost-efficiency and perhaps its environmental impact. They will want a solution that is on par with, if not better, than boiling the kettle. The GROHE Red is rated ‘A’ for its energy efficiency and also has a titanium boiler which offers excellent insulation, using minimal energy to keep the water at the required temperature. The titanium boiler also minimises limescale build-up and is prevented from building up in corners thanks to its cylindrical shape. For those customers who are eco-conscious or are frequently away from their homes on business or holiday, it also has a Holiday Mode feature which limits the temperature to 60°C, offering further energy savings.
Hot water taps should be an investment available to all homes but sometimes the setup of the mains water can make this difficult. For customers who only have cold water supplies or long distances between the hot water cylinder and the tap, a mixing valve can be used in tandem to provide a hot and kettle hot water supply, adjustable between 35°c to 75°c. The mixing valve can simply be connected to both the boiler and the mains cold water.
Water volume expands by up to 4% at 99°C so when installing a hot water tap, it is essential to fit an expansion vessel to accommodate this. The vessel is used for water expansion during the heating process and stops unnecessary wastage of drinking water. Without it, pressure will build within the system and can lead to serious technical faults very quickly, leaving one very unhappy customer.
Any water fitting carrying or receiving water must comply with Water Supply Regulations. Approval from the Water Regulations Advisory Scheme is one of the most highly regarded schemes in the UK and any product with this accreditation is deemed to be of an appropriate quality for installation. WRAS approval is awarded to water fittings which do not cause waste, encourage unnecessary consumption or contamination of the water supply. Whilst specifying a product with WRAS approval is highly recommended for all projects, it is a pre-requisite for many projects such as new build residential properties and commercial buildings. The GROHE Red has achieved WRAS status thanks to the expansion vessel component which is included as part of the installation kit.