The Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors (APHC) is reminding training providers about the benefits of being an APHC Training Provider Member.
APHC Training Provider membership aims to develop closer links between employers and training providers, provide direct marketing and advertising opportunities to APHC members, as well as the ability to become involved in formal discussion groups to debate education and training issues within the plumbing and heating industry.
Membership brings together leading plumbing and heating organisations, including manufactures, suppliers, installers and training providers, to discuss education and training issues.
Graeme Dryden, technical services manager, said: “Membership allows organisations who supply plumbing and heating training to become more involved in industry matters. Since the inception of the Training Provider membership category in 2013 we have seen a year-on-year increase in the number of educational and training establishments becoming members of APHC. I would encourage all those colleges and training providers who would like to be involved and shape future industry education and training matters to get in touch.”
Membership for training providers costs from £380 + VAT per year. For more details or for an application form, call APHC on: 0121 711 5030 or visit: www.aphc.co.uk/training_information.asp.