Danfoss is offering free local training in domestic heating controls for heating installers. Details of one-day courses are now available on the company’s website at: www.heating.danfoss.co.uk, with dates and venues all around the country, including Glasgow’s Premier Inn, Plumb Center branches in Bristol, Cardiff and Plymouth and Ilford Golf Club, in Essex. All courses are conducted by a Danfoss instructor and cover every aspect of domestic central heating controls techniques, both theory and practice. Installers are guided through current regulations relating to new and existing installations and how to achieve Part L compliance using products from the Danfoss range, from electronic programmers and room thermostats to thermostatic radiator valves and motorised control valves.
The Danfoss course explains how the various domestic heating systems can be controlled for optimum comfort and economy. Each training day is completed by an afternoon workshop, which gives installers the chance to gain hands-on experience of wiring up a complete heating control system under expert instruction. Installers receive a certificate from Danfoss on successful completion of the course.
Danfoss marketing director, Bjorn Sejr Nielsen, said:
“We also show installers how to maximise new business opportunities by offering control upgrades that can help their customers cut their heating bills by up to 40% according to recent research conducted by the University of Salford.”
Subject to availability, installers can reserve a place on the Danfoss course that’s most convenient for them simply by clicking on the web link alongside their preferred date and location and completing an online booking form. For more information about Danfoss Installer Training, including course dates, venues and a typical agenda, please visit: www.heating.danfoss.co.uk and click on Service & Support.