APHC announces 2020 training programme
The Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors has published its 2020 programme of one-day plumbing courses which include Water Regulations, Legionella Cold Water Risk Assessment & Disinfection, and Sanitary & Above Ground Drainage.
Gas App UK now free after Wolseley sponsorship deal
Wolseley said it has enabled all registered Gas Safe engineers to use Gas App free of charge as part of a new sponsorship package
APHC offering 100 training rewards this year
The Association of Plumbing & Heating Contractors has announced it will give away 100 training rewards worth £150 in 2020
HHIC launches TRV guide for consumers
To help consumers understand the benefits of installing TRVs and the technology they use to achieve energy efficiency, the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council, HHIC, has created a ‘Consumer Guide to Thermostatic Radiator Valves’
Benchmarking into 2020 and beyond
Chris Jessop, chair of the Benchmark steering group, looks at why the scheme remains important and the latest changes implemented to make it more relevant to modern day best practice, standards, and legislation
Upgrading a heating system – part two
HPM technical expert John Love continues his mini-series of articles on the circumstances for changing to a sealed heating system
Upgrading a heating system – part one
HPM technical expert John Love discusses the role of system cleansing while upgrading existing heating systems
Water hardness critical to cylinder selection
As the quality and hardness of water varies by region throughout the UK, a technical expert from Heatrae Sadia has urged contractors and facilities managers to consider the local water composition before specifying water heaters in commercial buildings
JTL acquires Develop Training
National training provider for electrical and plumbing & heating apprenticeships, JTL, has acquired Develop Training
Allowing for pipe expansion helps avoid leaks
HPM technical expert John Love explores the key considerations when designing or installing a piping system, in particular to allow for pipe expansion