Sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to catch up with all the latest industry developments and innovations, or to simply keep abreast of all the things you legally need to know.
The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering’s (CIPHE) Techtalk, Techtalk Live and Smarttalk Live aim to change this, by providing technical webinars and educational articles covering a wide range of ‘need to know’ subjects.
Created in partnership with industrial associate members of the CIPHE, the current series of Techtalk Live webinars include: ‘Best practice wet room installation’ in conjunction with AKW, ‘a realistic approach to saving carbon’ in partnership with Worcester Bosch and ‘unvented hot water safety and control’ in conjunction with Altecnic.
The Smarttalk Live series has kicked off with ‘Law and regulations – who’s to blame’ in partnership with Emms Gilmore Liberson Solicitors, covering the legal aspect of the plumbing and heating industry.
More webinars and articles are currently in production, along with the Techtalk Live website, which will host all the Techtalk and Smarttalk materials under one roof. Until then, you can check out the latest Techtalk webinars on the CIPHE’s YouTube channel at: https://goo.gl/aTSLzo.